Today has been amazing. I got emotional at one point because I have been blessed two times this year to have God put something on my heart and be able to help others. It is an amazing feeling to just be allowed to be a part of that and a bit overwhelming. It really is incredible to fully trust God and know that this is the right thing to do and He won't let me go without and that it is out of my hands. I think about how much people think have so much control over their situation when really they have none. If we answer His calls to us and do our best with what we have and live in the moment happy knowing we have everything in Him then really we know the path is there we just have to move. I once told my mom when she asked "how do you trust God?" by saying if you want to walk with God you have to take the first step and realize he is always there with you but if you are stuck in your ways and never move you can't experience His love. Although His love is always there you have to open your heart and mind to experience it and trust in Him sometimes comes with taking that step not always a leap of faith. When you trust God He will, as my Pastor spoke from the bible, FILL you with hope........and that will overflow which I feel should be shared with others.
and unhappily single
Depression Anxiety and OCD OH MY
Here goes something....Remembering Adria
Let your brim be full and your overflow flood
Letting God in your life vs. Letting God fill you with life.
Living as Jesus would
Look out Monet
Nothingingness can be so much
Sims Treehouses coming soon
The brighter side
The MVP of Angels
This is your brain on Emily
Wah for me
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