
I look at where I began and where I am now and wonder how I got here and all I can do is close my eyes and thank God. My boyfriend broke up with me today because he said I have issues with my fibro etc. etc. and I am actually fine because I know how far God has brought me and how much of a blessing fibro has been in my walk with the Lord and it soothes me. Also I am a painter now! I painted two flowers and was surprised at how nice they turned out! How exciting I love acrylic paints and can't wait to do my next work. I also am excited to find a new hobby because computer graphic photography was really bringing me down I just don't enjoy it anymore. Maybe this is a new period in my life of clarity and new experiences. Well I'm praying to get to sleep tonight and feel well so I can attend church tomorrow I love the fellowship of Lifepoint. We'll see if my brain decides to obsess about the breakup hopefully not :( I knew it was not working out and he was not the Godly man he portrayed himself to be. He bailed on the only thing I ever asked him to do which was attending service with me so that was a good indicator and I am not at fault I was really a supportive and encouraging girlfriend. As I learned from Jen Griffin even thought I have bad feelings toward him now I am gonna pray for him because I know he needs God right now.


About this blog

This is just who I am and I am sorry if I am too honest.
