Teens crack me up! I feel so old and I am evidently not cool haha BUT I had the pleasure of volunteering at my church tonight and seriously I feel blessed every time I serve at my church just to see what God is doing and thinking about the possibilities sitting in front of me makes me giddy. Well I don't really get giddy but you know what I mean. Daryl gave us a pep talk that make me feel like a football player (I thoroughly enjoyed that being a sucky anything player) and to leave it on the field. So I did, I yelled, I danced, I opened my heart and it was A-mazing. I don't think about anything else when I'm there but the love of Jesus and Pastor Jeff's message (btw he cracks me up so badly I feel weird at some point from laughing so much at church :P). I told my mom when I got back that tonight was so amazing because I just wish I could be in those kids seats and have Pastor Jeff (who is amazing with teens seriously I think he is for a teen just says he's 33) talking to me about Jesus and wonder how my life would be different. And to feel blessed to be a part of something that is so amazing that if just one kid applies his message would be life changing for eternity. So cool. (Teen lingo). Feeling exhausted and happy and my dogs snoring is making me laugh. Ahhh life.
I look at where I began and where I am now and wonder how I got here and all I can do is close my eyes and thank God. My boyfriend broke up with me today because he said I have issues with my fibro etc. etc. and I am actually fine because I know how far God has brought me and how much of a blessing fibro has been in my walk with the Lord and it soothes me. Also I am a painter now! I painted two flowers and was surprised at how nice they turned out! How exciting I love acrylic paints and can't wait to do my next work. I also am excited to find a new hobby because computer graphic photography was really bringing me down I just don't enjoy it anymore. Maybe this is a new period in my life of clarity and new experiences. Well I'm praying to get to sleep tonight and feel well so I can attend church tomorrow I love the fellowship of Lifepoint. We'll see if my brain decides to obsess about the breakup hopefully not :( I knew it was not working out and he was not the Godly man he portrayed himself to be. He bailed on the only thing I ever asked him to do which was attending service with me so that was a good indicator and I am not at fault I was really a supportive and encouraging girlfriend. As I learned from Jen Griffin even thought I have bad feelings toward him now I am gonna pray for him because I know he needs God right now.
Today has been amazing. I got emotional at one point because I have been blessed two times this year to have God put something on my heart and be able to help others. It is an amazing feeling to just be allowed to be a part of that and a bit overwhelming. It really is incredible to fully trust God and know that this is the right thing to do and He won't let me go without and that it is out of my hands. I think about how much people think have so much control over their situation when really they have none. If we answer His calls to us and do our best with what we have and live in the moment happy knowing we have everything in Him then really we know the path is there we just have to move. I once told my mom when she asked "how do you trust God?" by saying if you want to walk with God you have to take the first step and realize he is always there with you but if you are stuck in your ways and never move you can't experience His love. Although His love is always there you have to open your heart and mind to experience it and trust in Him sometimes comes with taking that step not always a leap of faith. When you trust God He will, as my Pastor spoke from the bible, FILL you with hope........and that will overflow which I feel should be shared with others.