It amazes me how far down you can be and get out of that place. A man from my church recently committed suicide and that always hits my heart. That sounds selfish because of course his family are heavy in my heart but I so feel for the man. There was a time in my life can I put it. Do you know when you crave ice cream and like think about it and what kind you will get and how good it will taste and that yummy full feeling afterwards. That's what suicide used to be like for me. I was in such a bad place that it was actually comforting to thinking about killing myself. When I was going through it there was a point that I reached where I had to decide...will I continue on living this horrible life (my life around me was amazing it was in my brain that was awful, panic attacks, massive depression, and I didn't know God like I do now) or would I finish the endless cycle of misery? And you know what decision I came to.....Not to kill myself because I knew it would hurt others. When you are in that moment you never think it will get better. I never thought I would be sitting here today let alone knowing Christ, honoring him, enjoying my life and letting Christ show his love to me and through me. Never would I think that horrible cycle was gonna end and that's why I understand why people commit suicide and also why coming out of that place it makes me so deeply sad knowing they could have gotten out of that place but just didn't know it. NO ONE could have told me I wasn't going to have panic attacks everyday and cry everyday (I'm not exaggerating) I was either going to accept it or end my life. I would rock myself with my arms around myself just begging God to take me and hold me (I always felt a soothing feeling when I begged for that). I just wanted to be with God. I didn't even know I could live life and be with God. My life right now is another gift that small brown haired child Adria gave me.....a life with Jesus (She knew who jesus was from her great grandmothers necklace before anyone had ever told her) If Adria had not died I really do not think my life would have gone in a good direction. I truly without a doubt believe Adria is an angel. In life and now in death she gives and gives. This little five year old loved like Jesus loves. The last couple months have been rough I do try not to think about it but I count each year and how old Adria would be and listen to people complain about their kids. I just sit there and shake my head and wish it was acceptable to be like well are they really that bad that you'd want them dead....if they alive cherish them no matter how difficult it is. It weird I never once thought I wish Adria had never been born or that I had never met her because of the pain....never once....She had a purpose....She was and still is my inspiration in life and I try to be like her everyday. I miss her so much it aches but in some part of me I know that this is God's plan. I know now that God does not have bad plans or bad purposes for our life He has only the best purpose. So when things out of our control happen it is God's plan. This little girls not only saved the lives of the organ recipients but of those of every person she touched. At her funeral which I remember very little about was filled to the brim with people. A crowd that a 70 y.o. person would bring. But in this child's five young years she had shown love so freely that she touched hearts just like Jesus did. I wouldn't take back one second with her, one memory or one tear. Losing Adria was a true testament that you can get past the darkest hours and you can be close to God if you open your eyes. He will find you even without the light.
and unhappily single
Depression Anxiety and OCD OH MY
Here goes something....Remembering Adria
Let your brim be full and your overflow flood
Letting God in your life vs. Letting God fill you with life.
Living as Jesus would
Look out Monet
Nothingingness can be so much
Sims Treehouses coming soon
The brighter side
The MVP of Angels
This is your brain on Emily
Wah for me
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